Call for Posters

The Chicago Chromatography Discussion Group has added a poster session at the beginning of each dinner meeting to provide an opportunity for chromatographers to present, demonstrate, and discuss their most recent achievements, practical experiences, novel ideas and challenges. The goal of the poster track is to encourage and facilitate the exchange within the chromatography community, foster collaboration, and, therewith strengthen the community as a whole.

At the end of the year, the governing board will award one poster $250 and a one year membership.

Submissions to the website should include either:

A draft of the actual poster including author(s) and affiliation(s); or

An extended abstract of the presented contribution comprising the following contents:

  • Title
  • Motivation and goals
  • Background information if needed to understand the contribution

Deadline for posters is February 7th. Our next Networking, Dinner & Presentation Meeting is Tuesday February 11, 2020

Send your submission to