Election Results

On May 22, 2023, CCDG held its open board meeting and the following are the results of the election.

Stephanie Collins

President Elect
Opens in May 2025

Olivia Cavazos

Secretary Elect
Opens in May 2025

Robin Sutka, Ph.D.

Sponsorship Chair
Joe Jones, Ph.D.

Past President
James DeFrancesco, Ph.D.

Awards Chair
Sara Plowman

Communications Chairs
Mary Jones, Vanessa Szul, & Patrick Barth

GC School Chairs
Cole Gardner, Vanessa Szul, & Sara Plowman

LC School Chairs
Rich DeMuro, Adam Dill, & Lori Sandford

Membership Chair
Natasha Banke, Ph.D.

Programs Chair
Madeline Angles

Congratulations to all!